Sales Pricing
Hi Art
I'm writing up what I think I understand with the intention of being corrected. My knowledge is faulty here.
There are three values that need to be updated. We discussed two types which are pricing related, retail and floor and third, PO Cost which is an input to floor pricing.
First as a summary of pricing as it exists as Daniels: There exist four levels of pricing for a product Retail Retail is determined by a markup multiple on a Retail Metal Cost. Advertised Overrides retail when set. Set with rules manager. This is the price an item will ring up at if set otherwise retail price will be used. Black Book (Clearance in Multidev) Similar to advertised but is not automatically applied. This amount may be discounted to and has traditionally been exposed to associates via the photo album. Floor The minimum selling price. This is determined by the PO cost (It's possible for the black book to set the price lower).
Desired Behavior: When the PO Metal Cost is changed and we initiate it in a plugin update all floor prices for items with that metal to PO cost (if the item were added to a PO now, the value that would be set on that PO). This is irrespective of the value a unit is received at or value on previously minted POs. When the Retail Metal Cost is changed and we initiate it in a plugin, update the retail price for all items of that metal. When a Retail Multiple Markup is changed, update the retail price for affected (dept/class/sub/price) records. When a Floor Multiple is changed, update the pricing for the affected records (dept/class/sub/price) records. The PO cost calculated after a PO Metal Cost should be stamped in a location for auditing. This should be traceable in the inventory master and price tester usage. The PO cost calculated after a Floor Multiple is changed, should be stamped in a location for auditing. Pricing floor multiple edit and created dates are modified in the corresponding usages
I think my understanding of PO cost calculation is faulty. My assumption was that this came from the most recent metal audit records inclusive of receipt.
Let me know where this is wrong.